
Travailler ensemble

Travailler ensemble

Une association avec le réseau em4 pour mieux accompagner les organisations d’intérêt général (2e épisode) La période post-Covid dans laquelle nous espérons enfin entrer s’annonce comme une période difficile. Une période de changements mais aussi – comme le disait...

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Bénévoles – une richesse

Bénévoles – une richesse

Bénévoles, une richesse trop souvent négligée J’ai rencontré beaucoup d’organisations d’intérêt général intervenant dans des secteurs très divers - la culture, le handicap, l’enseignement, la religion… Ce qui m’a marqué très souvent, c’est la pauvreté de la gestion...

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(re)Building Trust

(re)Building Trust

Some time ago, I facilitated a group learning session where a team were set a task which made them confront their own personal prejudices and beliefs, some of which they may not have even been aware of….. However, what the task also did was to prod at the very nerve...

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Making Sense of Capacity Building

Making Sense of Capacity Building

Organisational capacity building is essential to both funders and grantees to fulfil a shared vision of social impact. It is in the interest of both funders and grantees to ensure that key skills are firmly embedded in grantee organisations, such as leadership,...

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Story Telling

Story Telling

My Great Uncle Alex used to sit in his rocking chair in the porch of the house. He would tell stories of his time when he was a rancher in Chile, painting a picture that made me decide I wanted to be a cowboy. And that it was possible to do so. Even at a very early...

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